"Utah Fits All" in Wasatch County School District
Wasatch County School District is now accepting “Utah Fits All” Scholarships (UFA) from students in the sixth through 12th grades who are interested in taking advantage of the District’s menu of core classes, electives, and extracurricular activities. Taking advantage of Utah Fits All enrollment opportunities in Wasatch is easy:
- Select approved course(s) from the course catalog.
- Complete and turn the UFA Course Request form in to the District office along with proof of UFA Scholarship.
- The DO will contact the school to verify class availability and student eligibility.
- If the school approves, the parent will register their student and the DO will enroll the student into the courses in Private School.
- Parent/Guardian will be notified of the student’s placement.
- Invoices will be issued either at the end of the term or the semester.
- Parent/Guardian is responsible for promptly submitting invoices to UFA (ACE) for payment.
A. Enrollment is granted for individual classes if space is available. Contact the counseling office at your WCSD school of choice to see what courses have openings.
A. Per state law, there are limits to the number of courses UFA scholarship students can take through a public school any given year before reaching full-time status. If a voucher student enrolls in the equivalent of 50 percent of a school’s schedule, they will forfeit their scholarship. The 50 percent threshold varies based on the school and the school’s schedule. At a school where there are five class periods in a day, Utah Fits All students can take up to two courses. At a school with eight periods in the day, scholarships can be used to enroll in up to three courses. For more information, contact the counseling office at your school of choice.
A. See our posted courses and costs.
A. Per Utah State Board of Education rules, concurrent enrollment classes are not open to UFA Scholarship holders. To take advantage of concurrent enrollment courses, through which students earn college credit, students must be enrolled in a public school.
A. Privately-schooled students are eligible to participate in Utah High School Activities Association-sanctioned sports and activities at any high school as long it’s their first year of entry and the sport isn’t offered at their private school. Homeschooled students are also eligible to participate at any school their first year of entry. For UHSAA’s eligibility guidelines, see their 2024-2025 Handbook. Some sports and activities require tryouts and some are connected to an actual class period, in which case the student will have to 1) pay to enroll in the course, 2) cover the entry fee, and 3) pay any associated fees (for uniforms, equipment, etc.).
A. Once a family receives Utah Fits All Scholarship, or voucher, funding, they are no longer eligible to dual enroll in a school. This is because dual enrollees are funded through the state’s Weighted Pupil Unit (WPU), the state funding formula for public education. If a scholarship holder were to draw on the WPU while also receiving voucher funding, that would amount to a double-dipping of taxpayer funds.
A. Confirmation of enrollment will come through your school of choice. Invoices and receipts will be issued at the end of each term through the Student Services department at the Wasatch County School District office. Payments are made through the Class Wallet app. Receipts will be issued by WCSD after payment is received.
A. The only elementary school accepting UFA vouchers in WCSD is Wasatch Learning Academy, our on-line school.
A. Yes, all students are eligible for school lunch and breakfast. Per an agreement each school district has with the state, the fees charged for non-enrolled students are $5 per lunch and $3 per breakfast.
A. Wasatch County District does not receive state funding to provide daily transportation services to UFA students. Transportation related to extra-curricular activities, sports, or course related field trips, however, will be provided.
A. UFA students are not eligible to receive 504 accommodations or Individualized Education Plans (special education services). However, parents may request to have their student evaluated for accommodations and services free of charge. They can also enroll full-time in a Wasatch County District school at any time, which would make them eligible for accommodations and services.
More Questions?
For more information, please contact Student Services at 435-654-0280 or email wasatchufa@wasatch.edu.