
A Message from
Principal Thorne

Dear Parents,

Community Council is an advisory board that consists of the principal, teachers and parents. The purpose of the council is to decide how to best serve the students using money received from our school land trust. The council develops a school improvement plan and a school land trust plan by reviewing test scores and assessing the needs of the students. This is a great way for parents to be actively involved with the school in educating their children. If you would like more information, you can visit

We appreciate your support of our schools, and are doing everything we can to make sure students have a wonderful experience.

Thank you

Brian Thorne


2023-24 Meetings

All meeting are held in the RMMS Conference Room

Tuesday, Oct. 24th at 2:30
Monday, Nov. 13th at 3:30
Monday, Feb. 12th at 3:30
Monday, April 15th at 3:30

Community Council Members