We’d like to introduce you to the Wasatch Community Council, share some news with you about academic progress at Wasatch, and invite your input and involvement in the Council.
Utah law established Community Councils in each public school to allocate money to improve educational outcomes, using money generated from public lands through the Utah School LAND Trust: http://www.schoollandtrust.org/
The Council is composed of eight parent representatives and four WHS representatives; the current member roster can be found below. The Council meets quarterly with Principal Kelly, Vice Principal Wright, and other administrators and teachers to discuss the accomplishments and challenges of our WHS students, and explore opportunities to help each student to excel.
One responsibility of the Community Council is to review academic progress and challenges. We are happy to report that WHS made significant progress this year on its SAGE scores, improving from 38% to 48% of students reaching Proficiency on English and Language Arts, from 35% to 42% Proficiency in Math, and from 45% to 53% in Science.
Each year the Community Council prepares a LAND Trust Plan for the following school year, allocating the available funds to Professional Learning and other programs intended to reach the academic goals developed by WHS and the Council. State law requires that expenditures must “have a direct impact on the instruction of students in the particular school’s areas of most critical academic need,” and cannot be spent (a) to cover the fixed costs of doing business; (b) for construction, maintenance, facilities, overhead, security, or athletics; or (c) to pay for non-academic in-school, co-curricular, or extracurricular activities.http://www.schoollandtrust.org/program/
Approximately $340,000 was made available to WHS for use during the 2023-2024 school year. This year’s Plan will be posted at the WHS website once it has been formulated and approved. We invite you to review the Plan and comment here, or provide feedback or suggestions to our Community Council Chair, Pat Dettman, Principal Justin Kelly or Vice Principal Lana Wright. We also invite you to attend Community Council meetings (meetings dates are posted below) or to contact any member of the Council to discuss the LAND Trust program http://www.wasatch.edu/domain/562.
Member Roster

Meeting Dates

DVD Touch the Future