Our Mission and Vision
Vision Statement
Mission Statement
District Special Education Team

Claire Mair

Holly Rognan

Kaeli Bills
School-Based Teams
Heber Valley Elementary–
JR Smith Elementary
Midway Elementary
Old Mill Elementary
Daniels Canyon Elementary
Marckee Belliston- Resource Teacher marckee.belliston@wasatch.edu
Colette Busboom- Resource Teacher colette.busboom@wasatch.edu
Wasatch Learning Academy
Timpanogos Middle School
Kristin Irish- Resource Teacher kristin.irish@wasatch.edu
Rocky Mountain Middle School
Wasatch High School
Elizabeth Griffin- Speech Pathologist elizabeth.griffin@wasatch.edu
Rebecca Wilson- Speech Technician rebecca.wilson@wasatch.edu
Transition Program
Lindsay Jepperson- Transition Specialist lindsay.jepperson@wasatch.edu
Related Service Providers
Services for Students with Disabilities
Wasatch County School District offers a full range of educational services for students with disabilities who live within Wasatch County boundaries.
Young children, ages three-to-five, with severe delays in language, motor, cognitive, or adaptive development can receive a free and appropriate education in our preschool program.
Services, which include assessment, instruction, and evaluation, are also provided for students who qualify under federal and state guidelines, ages five to twenty-two (and have not graduated from high school).
A student whose disability does not need specialized instruction to benefit from education but could appropriately utilize specific interventions could possibly qualify for accommodations under the Americans with Disabilities Act, Section 504. These services are provided in all our district schools and are available for anyone who resides within our district boundaries.
If you know of anyone who might qualify and would be interested in taking advantage of these special services or if you have any questions about any of these programs, contact Claire Mair at Wasatch School District Offices, 435-654-0280.
Additional Services
Behavioral Health
Speech/Language Therapy
Occupational/Physical Therapy
Wasatch County School District employs certified Occupational and Physical Therapists and Therapy Aides to help school teams address both the fine and gross motor skills of eligible students.
Transportation services are offered to all students unable to walk or ride the regular school bus. Paraeducators are on the buses when needed to ensure student safety.
Transition Resources
Community Links
- Children's Health Insurance Program (CHIP)
- Medicaid
- 211 Info Bank
- Wasatch Mental Health
- Utah Center for Assistive Technology(UCAT)
- Utah Independent Living Center
- Ability First
- Access Utah Network
- Disability Law Center
- Easter Seals Disability Services
- Guardianship Associates of Utah
- MRAU of Utah
- Services for People with Disabilities
- Social Security
- Utah Parent Center
- Utah State Division of Rehabilitation Services - Heber City Office
- Work Ability Utah
- Work Incentives Planning and Assistance (WIPA)
- Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act(WIOA)
Higher Education
- Aggies Elevated at USU
- Brigham Young University Accessibility Center
- Dixie State University Disability Resource Center
- Salt Lake Community College Disability Resource Center
- Snow College Accessibility Resource Center
- South Utah University Disability Support Center
- University of Utah Center for Disability & Access
- Utah State University Disability Resource Center
- Utah Valley University Accessibility Services
- Weber State University Disability Services
- Westminister College Disability Services