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    Our Mission and Vision

    Vision Statement

    Meaningful and measurable progress for students of all abilities.

    Mission Statement

    The mission of Special Education in Wasatch County School District is to enrich the educational process for students of all abilities by 1) facilitating meaningful access to resources at home, in school, and the community, 2) fostering meaningful relationships with students, their parents, teachers, and peers, 3) sustaining accountability for student competence in academic areas, and 4) providing access to a safe, healthy lifestyle.  

    District Special Education Team

    School-Based Teams

    Heber Valley Elementary

    Loida Alba- Resource Teacher
    Amy Howarth- Learning Lab
    Stefanie Mickelson–Speech Pathologist
    Carrie Nichols- Speech Pathologist

    JR Smith Elementary

    Katie Knight– Learning Lab Teacher 
    Katelynn Ramage- Learning Lab
    Laura Ong–Resource Teacher
    Shelby Taylor- Resource Teacher
    Kim Stoddard–Speech Pathologist
    Elizabeth Levy-Speech Pathologist

    Elizabeth Lang- Learning Lab
    Travis Hepworth–Resource Teacher
    Rachel Spencer–Resource Teacher
    Sherri Burgener–Speech Pathologist

    Lauren Chevalier–Learning Lab Teacher
    Sandra Barker–Resource Teacher
    Christina DeJong– Resource Teacher
    MacKenzie Sproul- Speech Technician
    Lindsey Kurlan–Speech Pathologist
    Alicia Brown- Speech Tech
    Rikki Skinner- Speech Tech   

    Sara Lindemann- Learning Lab Teacher

    Marckee Belliston- Resource Teacher

    Colette Busboom- Resource Teacher

    Shauna Jarvis- Speech Pathologist
    McKay Johnson- Speech Pathologist

    Wasatch Learning Academy

    Abby Cook- Learning Lab Teacher
    Kristin Hellmann- Resource Teacher
    Jen Buttars- Resource Teacher
    Karyn Anderson- Resource Teacher
    Anna White–Learning Lab Teacher
    Jennifer Howell–Resource
    Jessica Potter- Resource Teacher

    Kristin Irish- Resource Teacher

    Nancy Covarrubias- Speech Pathologist

    Glenda Gray–Learning Lab Teacher
    AbrieAnn Wright- Learning Lab 
    Mary McKee–Resource Teacher
    Cambry Fischer- Resource Teacher
    Michelle Brown- Resource Teacher
    Vicki Hunsaker- Speech Pathologist

    Wasatch High School 

    Sami Graham- Learning Lab Teacher
    Candy Peterson- Learning Lab Teacher
    Amy Bos- Learning Lab Teacher
    Amy Chapman- Learning Lab Teacher
    Jerold Baum–Resource Teacher
    Mindy Brooks–Resource Teacher
    Melissa Bulloch–Resource Teacher
    Megan Harwin – Resource Teacher
    Lindsay Benson- Resource Teacher
    Camee Wilson- Resource Teacher
    Derik Bringhurst- Resource Teacher
    Katie Searles- Resource Teacher
    Jordan Gurr- Resource Teacher

    Elizabeth Griffin- Speech Pathologist

    Rebecca Wilson- Speech Technician

    Transition Program 

    Lane House- Transition Specialist

    Lindsay Jepperson- Transition Specialist

    Related Service Providers

    Ben Springer- School Psychologist
    Bridgett Bakula–School Psychologist
    Jeff Pitts–School Psychologist
    Ben Ooi- School Psychologist
    Tara Boswell–Preschool Instructional Coach
    Kelsey Decker– Physical Therapist
    Andreanna Rodriquez– Occupational Therapist
    Karen Ramirez– Occupational Therapist 
    Courtney Benner- Occupational Therapist
    MacKenzie Sproul- Vision Specialist
    Carla Bedingfield– Adaptive P.E. Instructor
    Macy Risto- Motor Aide
    Janalee Hendry- Motor Aide
    Catherine Jenson-Koens- Motor Aide
    Jenny Rowser- Motor Aide
    Melanie Risto- Motor Aide


    Tara Boswell–Preschool Instructional Coach
    Genny Tayler- Preschool Speech & Language
    Alison Veselka–Preschool Teacher
    Julie Patterson–Preschool Teacher
    Jessica Puett- Preschool Teacher
    Erica Johnson- Preschool Teacher

    Services for Students with Disabilities

    Wasatch County School District offers a full range of educational services for students with disabilities who live within Wasatch County boundaries.

    Young children, ages three-to-five, with severe delays in language, motor, cognitive, or adaptive development can receive a free and appropriate education in our preschool program.

    Services, which include assessment, instruction, and evaluation, are also provided for students who qualify under federal and state guidelines, ages five to twenty-two (and have not graduated from high school). 

    A student whose disability does not need specialized instruction to benefit from education but could appropriately utilize specific interventions could possibly qualify for accommodations under the Americans with Disabilities Act, Section 504. These services are provided in all our district schools and are available for anyone who resides within our district boundaries.

    If you know of anyone who might qualify and would be interested in taking advantage of these special services or if you have any questions about any of these programs, contact Claire Mair at Wasatch School District Offices, 435-654-0280.

    Additional Services

    Behavioral Health

    Wasatch County School District provides school psychology services including assessment, intervention, as well as parent and teacher consultation services. School psychologists help children and youth succeed academically, socially, behaviorally, and emotionally. They collaborate with educators, parents, and other professionals to create safe, healthy, and supportive learning environments that strengthen connections between home, school, and the community for all students. Feel free to visit the national and local associations of school psychologists for details!

    Speech/Language Therapy

    Wasatch County School District employs a team of Speech and Language Pathologists and Technicians. SLPs and SLTs work with individual school teams to provide assessment, intervention as well as Individualized Education Plans (IEPs). Typically, SLPs and SLTs help students with articulation, feeding and swallowing needs, communication disorders, and social skills instruction.
    Each school has a qualified speech therapist to evaluate students and make recommendations for program implementation. Services are provided by a certified speech/language pathologist or a speech/language technician who has been trained by certified personnel.

    Occupational/Physical Therapy

    Wasatch County School District employs certified Occupational and Physical Therapists and Therapy Aides to help school teams address both the fine and gross motor skills of eligible students.


    Transportation services are offered to all students unable to walk or ride the regular school bus. Paraeducators are on the buses when needed to ensure student safety.

    Transition Resources

    Organization of Special Education in Wasatch County School District

    Values/Collective Commitments

    There are four primary programs/services that make-up the organization of Special Education Services in Wasatch:
    I). Curriculum Modification & Support
    Modifying the curriculum to meet the individualized needs of eligible students is essentially the whole purpose of special education programming. Our wonderful faculty and staff across both general and special education are responsible for making meaningful modifications and facilitating appropriate access for eligible students. 
    Students become eligible for special education when they meet ALL three of the following criteria:
    1). The child must have a disability.
    2). The child’s disability must adversely affect the educational performance.
    3). The child’s disability necessitates modification of the general curriculum  
    These eligibility criteria have been set forth by both State and Federal Guidelines and are often referred to as the “Three Prongs of Special Education Eligibility.”  
     WCSD employs teams of highly qualified assessment professionals including early childhood specialists, teachers, speech-language pathologists, occupational therapists, physical therapists, and school psychologists to help determine eligibility for special education. 
    While WCSD strives to provide the highest quality curriculum modifications and supports, it is our philosophy that students of all abilities learn best when educated with their typically developing peers. As such, our efforts to provide special education is accomplished collaboratively with general education teachers, principals, and of course, parents.  
    II). Related Services
    WCSD is fortunate to employ a robust clinical team of licensed and nationally certified professionals across the areas of speech-language pathology, occupational therapy, physical therapy, nursing, vision, and school psychology. In addition to these clinical services, WCSD is fortunate to be able to provide transportation as a related service for eligible students. 
    In the school systems, teams with clinical training are often referred to as “Related Service Providers.” This distinction is an important one because access to these services is typically provided only in relation to the student’s progress in the general curriculum. In other words, Related Services must be connected in some way to the child’s access to instruction. If a child is not eligible for special education, they are not eligible for related services.
    Again, these policies have been established by both State and Federal guidelines regarding the provision of services for eligible students. WCSD employs multiple related service providers to meet the needs of eligible students. Please visit the Special Education faculty and staff page to learn more about the services they provide. 
    III). Parent Committee
    In addition to the multiple school-based services WCSD is proud to provide, the PEAK (Parents Empowering Abled Kids) Committee is one of the most crucial components to our programming in special education. With the goal of building quality relationships between parents and our faculty, the inclusion of parents is critically important. 
    WCSD is fortunate to have an independent, strong, and collaborative parent committee dedicated to learning about (and contributing to) special education in WCSD. Please feel free to contact Kaeli Bills at for the most up-to-date PEAK Committee contact list.  
    IV). Transition (Post-High School Programming)
    WCSD is proud to offer a comprehensive post-high school program focusing on college, career, and work-based learning objectives for eligible students ranging in ages from 18-to-22. Each student in WCSD works towards within a “transition plan” starting at the beginning of their 8th grade year. These plans are designed to keep an eye on goals related to post-school settings such as college, vocation, independent living, etc. 
    Please feel free to contact Claire Mair with any questions and/or concerns regarding Special Education in Wasatch County School District at