Dual Language Immersion Application

The 2025-26 Kindergarten Dual Immersion Lottery is open from March 3 – April 9, 2025

Application Process

  1. Please register for Kindergarten before starting the Dual Immersion Lottery process.
  2. Online Dual Language Lottery Application needs to be completed by the last day of Kindergarten registration.
  1. In the district-wide lottery process, students with sibling(s) already enrolled in a dual immersion program will receive priority consideration.
  2. Numbers generated in the district-wide random lottery selection process are used to divide students by school, gender and primary language groups.  The groups are used to balance gender and primary language ratios for dual immersion class enrollments.
  3. Students’ families are called in order of priority consideration and lottery ranking.
  4. Students who have applied to be in the program in kindergarten during the admission process and were not selected can be placed on the waiting list if desired. The waiting lists are updated yearly. Typically, students who do not speak the target language will not be placed in the program after 2nd grade unless otherwise approved through an examination process.