Registrar |
Counseling Secretary |
Social Worker |
Social Worker |
Social Worker |
Social Worker |
Alt Campus Counselor |
Spanish Liason |
College Success Advisor |
UVU Concurrent Enrollment Coordinator CTE Coordinator |
Work Based Learning Coordinator
Tutoring Options offered each week:
Mondays: Consultation Time with teachers 1:30 – 2:30 PM
Thursdays: Math Tutoring from 5:15-7:00 PM (508)
Making Up Failed Credit:
*Please meet with your counselor regarding all options below.
Teacher Credit Recovery: The term after a class is failed, students can work with their teacher to complete work if the student was close to passing. The F will remain on the student’s transcript, but they will earn credit towards graduation.
eSchool Credit Recovery: A student can earn credit for a failed grade by completing approximately 13 hours per quarter of online credit recovery. The F will remain on the student’s transcript, but they will earn credit towards graduation.
Grade Replacement: Students can replace any grade through completing a grade replacement. This is most commonly done through eSchool. Grade Replacement does not apply to concurrent enrollment classes.
Summer School: Details coming soon!
General Links
Class Links | |
Rising Freshmen(9th Graders in 2025-2026) | Rising Sophomores(10th Graders in 2025-2026) |
Rising Juniors(11th Graders in 2025-2026) | Rising Seniors(12th Graders in 2025-2026)
College Course Options

MOUNTAINLAND TECHNICAL COLLEGE: “MTECH” offers programs to high school students. Students who enroll in MTECH programs have an opportunity to earn state certification in that program area. Some program credit can be transferred to UVU to continue a student’s college education. MTECH programs offered at Wasatch High School are:
- Certified Nurse Assistant
- Dental Assistant
- Medical Assistant
- Electrical
WHS students may choose to enroll in MTECH programs that are located in Utah County as well. To view all MTECH programs, click here. WHS students earn high school elective credit while enrolled in these classes. High school credit is determined by the amount of hours required of the program. Program fees vary. Your counselor has a complete listing of programs offered by MTECH.
Quick Links:
Utah College Facts-at-a-Glance AP Credit Transfer Guide Opportunity Scholarship
Utah Transfer Guide Virtual College Tours Utah Programs and Major Guide
How to Pay for College Video How to Pay for College Power Point Prime Scholarship