All Juniors will take the ACT on March 18th, 2025.
ACT Test Preparation
The ACT is an important step in applying to college and a great way to measure what our students have learned in their academic career thus far. There are a lot of great online ACT prep resources. Do what you can so you can feel confident and prepared on ACT Day.
ACT‘s official test prep website with links to free test preparation resources.
This resource is accessed with your county library card number. There are several ACT style practice tests as well as other study aids.
Testing Kiosk & Practice Tests
- In preparation for March 18th, the district has pushed out the official ACT testing kiosk to all 11th grade students. The ACT testing kiosk is called “TestNav” and has some built in practice tests and a user guide/tutorial. The provided practice tests in TestNav are definitely a great resource. You can choose to take the tests timed or untimed, and they are identical in format to the test students will see on testing day, since we’re testing online this year.
- To access the practice tests, you’ll need to be on TestNav’s main menu screen and select “The ACT.” You’ll then end up on a login screen. Rather than logging in, select “Practice Tests” listed just below the sign in button.
- If TestNav opens to the Utah Login screen, simply click the profile drop down in the top right corner and select “Choose a different customer.” Selecting that will move you back to the main menu screen.
Schmoop is FREE to all students at Wasatch High School. They can access it from any course on their Canvas page. There is a Schmoop link on the bottom left of their Canvas page, and they just click on it for great test preparation.
University of Utah ACT Prep
In-person test prep class offerings through the U of U
In-person and online test prep class offerings through BYU
Princeton Review Online Prep
Online test prep course offerings through Princeton Review
ACT Test Day Information
Please know that all Wasatch High School 11th graders will have the opportunity to take the ACT on March 18th, 2025. Testing will take place at Main Campus in the 200 and 500 halls. Students will be admitted to those two halls at 8:00 AM. No students will be admitted after 8:15 AM, so please be sure to arrive on time.
ACT’s policy has actually become stricter this year. In addition to cell phones, ACT now prohibits wearable technology, ie: smart watches and other wearable bluetooth devices. So, in accordance with ACT‘s policy, we recommend that cell phones, smart watches, fitness bands, and any other devices with recording, internet, or communication capabilities be left at home.
In addition to the recommendations made by the ACT, please make sure to bring your fully-charged school computer, your computer charger, no. 2 pencils, and a calculator, if you choose to use one.
Students are allowed to use any 4-function, scientific, or graphing calculator, as long as it is not on the prohibited list (listed in the linked policy below). Students are encouraged to use a familiar calculator, but keep in mind that all problems may be solved without a calculator. Know that a calculator is not required, but it is an option. Also, be aware that if a student chooses to use a calculator, they will need to provide their own, as sharing calculators during the test is not permitted and the school will NOT be providing physical calculators on testing day. The online test will also have a built in calculator as an option for use.
ACT Makeup Test Day Information
March 25th
This is a regular school day and the traditional classes will be held. Students participating in makeup testing will receive an “A” mark on their attendance for that day.