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WHS Food Pantry
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Air Force Junior ROTC
Bell Schedules
Building Maps
Canvas for Students
Civics Exam 2022_23
Clubs and Activities
Digital Wasp
Discovery Ed Sign In
Driver’s Ed
Excel Time
Latinos in Action
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Online School
SIS Login and Information
Student Government
Wasatch CAPS
Counseling Website
Transcript Requests
Staff Directory
Staff Resources
Educator Licensing
Safety & Wellness
Bullying, Cyberbullying, Harassment and Hazing Policy
Crisis Hotline
Equity and Advocacy Resources
Health Services
Safe Schools Policy
1.1 The institution commits to a purpose statement that defines beliefs about teaching and learning
1.2 Stakeholders collectively demonstrate actions to ensure the achievement
1.3 The institution engages in a continuous improvement process that produces evidence
1.4 The governing authority establishes and ensures adherence to policies that are designed
1.5 The governing authority adheres to a code of ethics and functions within defined
1.6 Leaders implemement staf supervision and evaluation processes to improve professional practice
1.7 Leaders implement operational processes and procedures to ensure organizational effectiveness
1.8 Leaders engage stakeholders to support the achievement of the institution's purpose
1.9 The institution provides experiences that cultivate and improve leadership effectiveness
1.10 Leaders collect and analyze a range of feedback data from multiple stakeholder groups
2.1 Learners have equitable opportunities to develop skilss and achieve the content and learning
2.2 The learning culture promotes creativity, innovation and collaborative problem solving
2.3 The learning cultue develops learners' attitudes, beliefs and skills needed for success
2.4 The institution has a forma structure to ensue learners develop positive relationships
2.5 Educators implement a curriculum that is based on high expectations and prepares learners
2.6 The institution implements a process to ensure the curriculum is aligned to standards
2.7 Instruction is monitored and adjusted to meet individual learner's needs and the institution's
2.8 The institution provides programs and services for learners' educational futures and career
2.9 The institution implements processes to identify and address the specialized needs of learners
2.10 Learning progress is reliably assessed and consistently and clearly communicated
2.11 Educators gather, analyze, and use formative and summative data that lead to demonstrable
2.12 The institution implements a process to continuously assess its programs and organizational
3.1 The institution plans and delivers professional learning to improve the learning environment
3.2 The institution's professional learning structure and expectations promote collaboration
3.3 The institution provides induction, mentoring, and coaching programs that ensure all staff
3.4 The institution attracts and retains qualified personnel who support the institution's purpose
3.5 The institution integrates digital resources into teaching, learning, and operations
3.6 The institution provides access to information resources and materials to support the curriculum
3.7 The institution demonstrates strategic resource management that includes long-range planning
3.8 The institution allocates human, material, and fiscal resources in alignment