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    Computer Tips
    • Remember your computer every day.
    • If you forgot to charge your computer, bring your charger.
    • Don’t loan your charger out to other students, you might not get it back.
    • Never install software without approval.
    • Stickers can only be applied to the plastic case, no stickers or drawing on the metal shell of the laptop.
    • Keep all food and drink away from computer equipment.
    • Always keep a current backup of your important files on OneDrive or a thumb drive.
    • Only use your Wasatch issued computer for schoolwork.
    • Restart the computer at least once a week.
    • Do not leave the laptop on furniture other than a desk or table. Doing so could result in the laptop overheating or being knocked off and broken.
    • Do not leave the laptop on the floor to be stepped on.
    • Loaners are available for use one day at a time however you will be required to call your parents first to ask if they can bring your computer to you. If you fail to return the loaner on time, you will not get to keep it the following day.
    • Return your laptop and charger prior to leaving Wasatch High School to avoid additional charges.


    • Recuerda traer tu computadora todos los dias.
    • Si no cargaste la bateria de tu computadora, trae tu propio cargador.
    • No prestes tu cargador, tal vez no te lo regresen.
    • Manten comida y bebidas lejos de tu computadora.
    • Manten la informacion importante respaldada en OneDrive o en una memoria USB.
    • Solamente usa tu computadora para trabajo escolar.
    • Reinicia la computadora una vez por semana.
    • No dejes la computadora en ningun otro mjueble que no sea un escritorio o mesa. Puede sobrecalentarse o caerse.
    • No dejes la computadora en el piso, alquien la puede pisar.
    • No instales ningun programa sin permiso.
    • Podemos prestarte una computadora por un dia, pero primero tendras que llamar a tu casa para que te traigan la tuya. Si no regresas la computadora prestada a tiempo, no te la puedes quedar al siguiente dia.
    • Regresa tu computadora y cargador a la escuela, si ya no vas a Volver para que evites pagar el costo.


    Computer Fees for Loss or Damage

    Fees for loss or damage:

    Charger ………………………….. $50

    Broken Screen………………….. $495

    Water Damage………………….. $615

    Replacement Laptop……………. $615



    Costos por Perdida o daño:

    Cargador……………………………. $50

    Pantalla rota……………………… $495

    Daño por agua…………………… $615

    Reemplazo de computadora…… $615

    Contact Us

    How to Contact Us: 

    1. Come to the Digital Wasp Window 8am-1:30pm

    2. Create a Help Ticket by emailing:



    3. Call Us: (435) 654-7644

    4. Call Apple Support: 1-877-218-1190  Pin #3017