Acceptable Use Policy
An acceptable use policy (AUP), is a set of rules applied by the Wasatch County School District (WCSD) as administrator of the Wasatch County School District network, website, and other service, that restrict the ways in which the network, website or system may be used and sets guidelines as to how it should be used.
The WCSD AUP is part of your online registration. Be to read it and if you have any questions, please contact your school.
Computer Requirements
See what Wasatch County School District says about Keeping Your Student Safe Online by CLICKING HERE.
Student Registration Forms
Special Services: MTSS, 504, IEP, Guidance Counseling
Wasatch Learning Academy is dedicated to empowering high-quality, personalized learning to help students learn in ways that work for them. This commitment to leveraging technology and curriculum to help students fulfill their academic potential includes students with special needs, including 504 Plans, existing IEPs, English Language Learning services, concerns about possible learning disabilities and need for intervention, and behavior/social/emotional supports.
Students who have a documented disability may receive support, accommodations, modifications, or related services as required by law.
Special education programs at Wasatch Learning Academy combine digital learning, independent projects away from the screen, and online connections with teachers and fellow classmates.
Your student can engage with their peers across the state with extracurricular activities including clubs, showcases, workshops, and online summer lessons.
School-Family-Student Compact
Wasatch Learning Academy
School & Families Student Success Compact
Effective schools are a result of families and school staff working together for each child’s success in school. This learning compact invites all stakeholders to share responsibility in the educational process endeavor of all students. Staff, families, and students will share the responsibility for improved student academic achievement.
As a STUDENT my focus will be on:
- Attending to lessons rested and ready to learn.
- Actively participating in my education through goal-setting and my best efforts.
- Completing assignments.
- Reading to myself and others at home every day.
- Being safe, being kind, and being a responsible learner in class and at home.
As a FAMILY our focus will be on:
- Providing an environment that encourages learning and supports education.
- Seeing that our child attends to school regularly and on time.
- Reading to our child and listening to our child read daily.
- Supporting our student, the teachers and the school, including school-required assessments to monitor student achievement.
- Contacting the classroom teacher if we are having concerns or questions.
- Supporting school rules and policies and reinforce the student expectations of being safe, being kind, and being a responsible learner in school and at home.
As EDUCATORS our focus will be on:
- Providing high quality, best practices instruction every day.
- Creating an online classroom environment where parents, students, and I are partners in learning.
- Encouraging student achievement and honoring student successes.
- Providing communication opportunities that share student progress throughout the year.
- Supporting our student, families, and the school, including attendance of school events and advising extended learning opportunities.
- Supporting school rules and policies and reinforce the student expectations of being safe, being kind, and being a responsible learner in school and in our community.
Multi-Tiered Systems of Supports (MTSS) is a process that is used at Wasatch Learning Academy and throughout the Wasatch County School District to close the achievement gap by identifying students at risk and providing targeted teaching to help them succeed. Here’s a look at the increasing levels of MTSS supports we utilize at Wasatch Learning Academy:
Tier 1: Core Instruction
All students receive high-quality, scientifically based instruction in reading and math, differentiated to meet their needs, and are screened on a periodic basis to identify struggling learners who need additional support.
Tier II: Small Group Instruction/Intervention
In Tier II, students not making adequate progress in the core curriculum are provided with increasingly intensive small group instruction matched to their needs on the basis of levels of performance and rates of progress. On and above grade level students are provided with small group instruction that is tailored to provide them with additional enrichment in both math and reading. This is accomplished through WINN time (What I Need Now), which is protected time for literacy and math on a daily basis (M-Th). School intervention staff are encouraged to assist during our grade-level WINN times.
Tier III: Small Group Intensive Interventions
At this level, students receive individualized, intensive interventions that targets the students’ skill deficits for the remediation of existing problems and the prevention of more severe problems. This is also accomplished through WINN time (What I Need Now), which is protected time for literacy and math on a daily basis (M-Th). School intervention staff are encouraged to assist during our grade-level WINN times.
At Wasatch Learning Academy we believe that one of the key aspects of tiered instruction is the importance of collaboration among all education professionals in our building. The beauty of this approach is evident when administration, teachers, specialists, and families engage in discussions about how all students are performing inside and outside the regular education classroom.
Wasatch Connect Attendance Policy
Wasatch Connect Attendance Policy
Attendance Requirements: Utah’s Compulsory Education Law states that all school age children must be in attendance at school unless there is a valid and legitimate excuse (Utah Code 53-A-11-101).
At Wasatch Learning Academy we expect all students to be in attendance Monday-Thursday during their scheduled classes. Fridays are individual intervention days and consult days.
Teachers will communicate with students and parents via email in regards to each student’s Friday attendance needs.
Parent Excused Absences A student may be excused from school for a reasonable period of time for a death, severe illness, injury in the immediate family, or approved school activity.
- Parents are asked to contact the school secretary outlining the reason for any absence.
- Absences that are not excused by a parent within 2 days will be considered a truancy.
- Parents must provide medical documentation if a student is absent from school for more than 2 days due to illness.
- Absences may impact a student’s Individualized Education Plan services or 504 accommodation plan. This would result in a need to meet as a team to determine how to best meet student needs and improve attendance, including whether the student may continue to qualify for services and/or if service plans need to be adjusted due to chronic absenteeism.
Pre-Approved Extended Absences Circumstances may arise when a parent requests that their child be excused from school for an extended period of time. In such circumstances, parents must pre-arrange for their child’s absence by contacting the school administration and discussing the reason(s) why the event or activity would justify the absence.
If the administration grants the student’s absence, the student is then responsible to gather, ahead of time, all homework or other assignments that he/she will be missing. The student is then responsible to turn in all assignments and make up all exams within the prearranged time frame.
10 Unexcused Absences and Truancy An unexcused absence is when a student is absent from classes and does not have a parent excused absence or pre-approved absence. Any unexcused absences will be noted as truancy violations and parents will be notified. After a student has received 4 truancies, he or she will be referred to the Wasatch Learning Academy Intervention Team. A parent or guardian must also be present at this meeting.
Tardiness and Skipping Classes Students are expected to arrive to online classes in a timely fashion, including those held after lunch.
WLA-Harmony Attendance Policy
Attendance Requirements: Utah’s Compulsory Education Law states that all school age children must be in attendance at school unless there is a valid and legitimate excuse (Utah Code 53-A-11-101).
Wasatch Learning Academy defines attendance expectations and shared responsibilities for student learning as stated below:
Flex Direct
WLA/Harmony provides:
- A weekly lesson delivered by a certified Harmony teacher
- Assessments given biweekly and reported to WLA
- 504/IEP services as appropriate
- Related services as specified in IEP
Parent/Guardian provides:
- Curriculum instruction (Tier 1)
- Administration of biweekly assessments
- Implementation of IEP/504 accommodations
- Assurance of quality core instruction (appropriate time per week, appropriate curriculum, appropriate environment, etc.)
Flex Independent
WLA/Harmony provides:
- Assessments given biweekly and reported to WLA
- 504/IEP services as appropriate
- Related services as specified in IEP
Parent/Guardian provides:
- Curriculum instruction (Tier 1)
- Administration of biweekly assessments
- Implementation of IEP/504 accommodations
- Assurance of quality core instruction (appropriate time per week, appropriate curriculum, appropriate environment, etc.)
WLA/Harmony provides:
- Access to curriculum (chosen by parent/guardian)
- 504/IEP services as appropriate
- Related services as specified in IEP
Parent/Guardian provides:
- Curriculum instruction (Tier 1)
- Weekly reports of curriculum essentials taught to student(s) submitted to Harmony Ed/WLA
- Administration of biweekly assessments and reports to WLA
- Quarterly submission of portfolio to show progress
- Implementation of IEP/504 accommodations as appropriate under the guidance of assigned special education or 504 case manager
- Assurance of quality core instruction (appropriate time per week, appropriate curriculum, appropriate environment, etc.)
Software Curriculum
WLA/Harmony provides:
- Access to curriculum (chosen by parent/guardian)
- 504/IEP services as appropriate
- Related services as specified in IEP
Parent/Guardian provides:
- Curriculum instruction (Tier 1)
- Weekly reports of curriculum essentials being taught to student(s)
- Administration of biweekly assessments and reports to WLA
- Implementation of IEP/504 accommodations as appropriate