J.R. Smith Elementary is a Targeted Assistance Title I School.
Contrado para El Éxito del Estudiante Compact for Student Success
Plan de Éxito para Estudiante/Student Success Plan
Wasatch School District regards parental involvement vital to the academic success of students. Parents are the initial teachers of their children and serve as partners with the district in helping their children achieve academic success.
Wasatch School District will involve parents in the development of its district plan during the UCA parent meeting each year.
- The district will invite parent from each Title I school to participate in the development of the district Title I Parent Involvement Policy plan. Information, including academic data, State and Federal allocations, personnel and instructional strategies will be reviewed annually.
- Wasatch School District Board gives final approval of the district Title I Parent Involvement Plan.
Wasatch School District will involve parents in the process of school review and improvement.
- Achievement data from all schools will be shared with parents.
- Parents will be invited to give input regarding LEA and school academic goals.
- Scientifically-based research instructional practices will be discussed.
- Directions in securing research-based curriculum materials that align with goals will be given.
- Parents will be invited to support schools through initiatives (e.g. Digital Citizenship, Literacy Month).
Wasatch School District will provide coordination and technical assistance to promote quality parental involvement activities.
- District leadership will include parental involvement discussions in district leadership meetings across departments to maximize coordination and effective use of resources.
- District leadership will provide multiple training opportunities to school administrators and teachers on effective parent involvement strategies.
Wasatch School District will ensure that Title I schools and other programs are involving parents in a variety of school activities through the following:
- Representatives from other programs (e.g. Head Start, Early Intervention and Special Education) will be invited to collaborate during the annual parent involvement activities.
- District leaders who have responsibility for overseeing parental involvement activities will discuss plans and coordinate efforts for the program.
- Each year during the UCA stakeholder meeting, participants, including parents and district personnel, will review the success of parent involvement activities.
- In an annual meeting, the district will share and invite the Wasatch Parents’ Network (WPN) presidents and School Community Councils to share successful parental involvement ideas and activities.
- Principals will annually report to the district how they used Title I funds to support effective parent involvement strategies.
Wasatch School District will conduct an annual parental involvement evaluation.
- In the spring, local School Community Councils will be given a Title I Parent Involvement Evaluation form and asked to complete the evaluation and provide input on how the district might improve support for parental involvement.
- At the Spring SSP conference, parents will be encouraged to complete a parent involvement survey that will elicit feedback on current activities and request input for the future efforts.
- At the beginning of the new school year, the district will provide a summary of the parental involvement survey with its plans to address identified needs and recommendations.