Wasatch Parent Network

Wasatch Parent Network (WPN)


Old Mill Elementary Wasatch Parent Network would like to thank the Old Mill Community for the overwhelming support that we received for our Annual Fun Run Fundraiser!  We would especially like to thank the Parents, Students, Old Mill Staff, Corporate Sponsors and Local Businesses for all their support!  And, also a Big Thank You to the Wasatch County First Responders who took time to come out, support the kids and make their day!  With the help of Parent Donors we were able to reach 100% participation in donations!  Old Mill Elementary WPN looks forward to another successful year supporting Old Mill!    

Old Mill PTA has changed to WPN

Wasatch school PTAs made a change in 2020, becoming WPNs (Wasatch Parent Network).  This change allows parents to serve the students and teachers in our schools without the restrictions and financial obligations to a State and National organization. 

How will this affect the students, teachers, and parents at Old Mill?

*No need to join and become a member of a national organization.  WPN is a local volunteer organization set up at each school with the focus on serving students and teachers.
* 100% of all funds received by the WPN will stay, and be used, at our school.  Donations will continue to be tax deductible.
*Each school’s WPN will have a board to oversee the budget and operations of the group.  The board and parent volunteers will continue to work with the schools to organize and implement programs that enhance the school’s learning experience.
*Reflections (a PTA program) will be replaced by a district-wide art competition with awards and prizes.