Library Resources

Welcome to OME Library/Media Center

Old Mill Elementary School
  • Library Standards

    I love learning and having fun, and my biggest desire is that students have this same experience.   I will provide a library that is fun and engaging, with explicit instruction, high expectations, while fostering a love of reading. 

    Since participation of all involved parties is necessary to create student success, I try to communicate effectively with all involved parties, including students, teachers, and parents.  Students will bring home a disclosure for parents and students to discuss and sign.  This needs to be signed and returned to me prior to students checking out books.  I will also communicate through SIS and or email when necessary. 

    Along with instruction, students have the opportunity each week to select from a wide variety of books for checkout.   Students can renew a book up to three times.  Overdue fines are not charged but any lost or damaged books will need to be paid for before a student can checkout another book.

    Reading is a joy, a privilege, and the right of every student.  As you select the library books you will read, please understand that not every book is the best choice for every student.  If a book is unappealing or offensive to you in any way, please return it and select another.  You, the student, know better than we, the library staff, what reading materials best serve you, your standards and beliefs.  (LM-Net 2008)

    Looking forward to an exciting year of reading, learning, and growing!



    Mrs. Korologos

Alexandria Library

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