Typing Pal

Typing Pal

Typihng Pal


Typing Pal is available for grades 2-5.  In typing pal students are introduced to the keyboard, they learn which fingers push which keys and they are given short assignments to type. 

 To login to typing pal both teachers and students will want to go to the Old Mill Website.  From the web site click on student links-then school links.  Here you will find  Typing Pal logo.  Click on it.  You will then need to enter usernames and passwords. 

 Teacher Logins

usernames-teachers initials (lower case) and then their 4 digit numbers (example-sm1234)

 passwords-teachers first initial upper case and then the first 3 letters of their last names lower case and then 4 digits of their number



Your students have already been assigned to you.  When you login you will see that as a teacher you can edit and adjust the settings.  You can change the settings, the speed targets and help select the activities.

Group summary



When you click on activities you get to choose the order of the exercises and can even try them yourselves so you know what the students are being asked to do.   

 In this same area you will be able to check back in to see student progress.


Student Logins-

usernames-students initials (lower case) and then their 5 digit numbers (example-sm12345)**there is no @ms.wasatch.edu on this one 🙂

 passwords-students first initial upper case and then the first 3 letters of their last names and then the last 4 digits of their number


Typing Pal-Teacher Side

Typing Pal-Student Side