K-4th grade leared that self advocacy is important for better class
understanding and to solve problems. Remember: Raise your hand when
you don’t understand, speak out when there’s a problem about. When you
have a need, find someone at the school to help you succeed.
5th grade is learning about self-esteem. Ones uniqueness and individuality
is something to be proud of as we map out our future. Respect differences
in each other but accept our abilities and talents and the potential we have
for greatness.
During the month of October, K- 2nd grade students had a lesson on what it means to show respect to others including students and teachers. Sharing friends, using your words when frustrated, standing up for others, respect invites others to be our friend, respect for what others wear to school, respect for others in class so that learning at high levels is a priority and showing respect for the school were the topics of focus. The 3-5 grade students had similar topics of showing respect to others at school. We used Jeopardy as a tool for learning and discussion. 5th grade learned about the decision making process. They learned about direct and indirect influences on decisions and that every decision has a consequence. 5th grade students learned that they themselves have the ability stop and think about consequences to a decision when it comes to making positive decisions that lead to success or decisions from peer pressure such as breaking the rules or substance abuse that have not so good consequences.
Resilience was our counselor lesson topic for November. K-2 grade students were reminded to keep going when school is challenging by using our switch (hand) to ask questions and our (ears) to focus and pay attention. Students have control of their switch just like turning on and off a flashlight. A positive attitude is helpful as well as encouragement to keep planting and planting seeds of learning and growth and try, keeping in mind it’s okay to fail or make a mistake until one day the seeds sprout into understanding. The 3-5 grade enjoyed active learning with some flexible, bounce back, moldable objects. Discussion about muscle memory and making reading, math, study habits more automatic with muscle memory as we are willing to be resilient and put the time in. We discussed also it’s more important to try many, many times and understand a concept well, rather than try once and quit if we don’t have perfect understanding of the particular concept.
Managing emotions and being able to calm down has been a great thing to discuss for December. When we have too much energy and are in the “RED” Zone one must give attention and care to calming down in order to not hurt ourselves, others or do something we might regret. Deep breathing, taking a break or walk, counting to 10 are are just a few of many things one can do to release extra energy and return to the “Green” Zone. If we can manage our emotions we can make good choices, not give up on ourselves when we have a challenge and keep a cool head to not hurt others. We discussed the Zones of Regulation curriculum by Leah M. Kuypers as part of the lesson.
Positive self and building a self-esteem are important to doing well in school and other areas of life. Remember positive self talk comes from you. ” I can do this”, “It’s gonna be a great day” Understanding our interests and knowing where that path leads is important. Fifth graders discusses communication, focused listening, giving clear directions and practiced being assertive, particularly in a situation where peer pressure could lead to poor decision making and not a good consequence for you.
Empathy and showing concern for others by noticing a feeling and a situation that one can relate too. Each class watch relatable scenarios and practiced saying “I know what thats like / I know what that feels like” Each class also discussed treating others the way you want to be treated.
If you practice something over and over again, believe failure and mistakes are okay to learning, not being afraid of new things and taking tips and suggestions from others in order to improve at a skill or task, then you have a growth mindset. By having this mindset you will accomplish much not fearing failure, and being persistent until you win.